Who We Are
The Digital Currency Traders Alliance is a nonprofit coalition of retail investors, consumers, traders, businesses, and thought leaders in the Digital Currency space.
Our Mission
Our mission at DCTA is to ensure that the future of digital currency trading is equitable and open to all by educating policymakers about the digital currency sector, promoting consumer protections, and giving a voice to everyday consumers.
We achieve this mission through advocating on behalf of and giving a voice to, digital currency retail traders and investors while ensuring that we educate decision-makers so that they have the requisite knowledge necessary to craft and adopt best practices that achieve the appropriate balance between growth, innovation, and consumer protections.
Our Values
DCTA is committed to respecting user privacy to the fullest extent possible, both in our own operations and in the partners we choose to work with. We also believe that blockchain technology and its implementations must be completely private for end-users due to the risks associated with tying your wallet address to your real-world identity. We will always respect your privacy and will work to ensure that government and businesses do as well.
Because blockchains are, by nature, fully transparent and open-source, we believe that businesses building on top of the blockchain should strive for maximum transparency at all times. DCTA is committed to full transparency for our users and members and we encourage other crypto-based businesses to do the same.
Inclusion & Equal Access
All users have an equal right to access blockchain technology and its many benefits. DCTA believes the traditional finance system is highly exclusionary toward certain groups, and we will always uphold the tenet of equal access and inclusion for all. We specifically aim to represent underserved communities as we built a new financial infrastructure that is equitable to all.
As a corollary to equal access for all, DCTA believes that no one entity deserves to hold a central position over blockchain networks. As such, we are committed to aggregating policy suggestions from our members and community and acting as a conduit between blockchain users and their local representatives. We will never take a top-down prescriptive policy approach or push for policies that our users do not want.
Want to Join Our Team?
We’re just a group of crypto enthusiasts taking consumer protection into our own hands – and we’re always looking for like-minded individuals to join our team!